
Oral presentations / posters

  • “Standardisation of structural and functional MRI paradigms for tinnitus”; 10th international Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI) conference & 1st EU COST Action (TINNET) conference, mrt. 2016, Nottingham (UK).
  • “Neuroimaging of tonotopic maps in humans using the travelling wave paradigm: a puzzling finding”; 5th International Conference on the Auditory Cortex, sep. 2014, Magdeburg (DE).
  • “Neuroimaging paradigms for tonotopic mapping (I): the influence of sound stimulus type”; OHBM 20th annual meeting, jun. 2014, Hamburg (DE).
  • “Neuroimaging paradigms for tonotopic mapping (II): the influence of acquisition type”; OHBM 20th annual meeting, jun. 2014, Hamburg (DE).
  • “Neuroimaging paradigms for tonotopic mapping (I): the influence of sound stimulus type”; BSA annual conference, sep. 2013, Keele (UK).
  • “Neuroimaging paradigms for tonotopic mapping (II): the influence of acquisition type”; BSA annual conference, sep. 2013, Keele (UK).
  • “Mapping Tonotopy in Human Auditory Cortex”; 16th International Symposium on Hearing, jul. 2012, Cambridge (UK).
  • “Lack of Tonotopic Cortical Reorganization in Tinnitus”; 6th International Conference on Tinnitus, jun. 2012, Bruges (BE).
  • “Lack of Tonotopic Cortical Reorganization in Tinnitus”; 35th ARO midwinter meeting, feb. 2012, San Diego (US).
  • “Mapping Tonotopy in Human Auditory Cortex using Minimally Salient Tone Stimuli”; 34th ARO midwinter meeting, feb. 2011, Baltimore (US).
  • “Unbiased Group-level Assessment of Independent Component Maps by means of Retrospective Matching”; OHBM 16th annual meeting, jun. 2010, Barcelona (ES).
  • “Effects of Background Noise on Neural Processing Networks during Task Performance and Rest”; OHBM 16th annual meeting, jun. 2010, Barcelona (ES).
  • “Unbiased Group-level Statistical Assessment of Independent Component Maps by means of Automated Retrospective Matching”; ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, mei. 2010, Stockholm (SE).
  • “Effects of fMRI Acoustic Scanner Noise on Neural Processing Networks during Task Performance and Rest”; ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, mei. 2010, Stockholm (SE).
  • “Effects of fMRI Acoustic Scanner Noise on Neural Processing Networks during Task Performance and Rest”; Benelux-ISMRM 2nd annual meeting, jan. 2010, Utrecht (NL).
  • “Blind Parcellation of Human Auditory Cortex on the basis of Functional Response Characteristics”; 3rd International Conference on the Auditory Cortex, aug. 2009, Magdeburg (DE).
  • “Functional Interactions between Auditory and Limbic Brain Centers during Sound Perception and Rest”; 3rd Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting, jun. 2009, Stresa (IT).
  • “Detection of Sound-Evoked fMRI Activity in Non-Auditory Brain Centers”; Benelux-ISMRM 1st annual meeting, dec. 2008, Antwerp (BE).
  • “Involvement of ‘Limbic’ Brain Centers in Sound Perception in Humans”; ARCHES meeting, nov. 2008, Haarlem (NL).
  • “Involvement of ‘Limbic’ Brain Centers in Sound Perception in Humans”; OHBM 14th annual meeting, jun. 2008, Melbourne (AU).
  • “Involvement of ‘Limbic’ Brain Centers in Humans during the Perception of Sounds without Emotional Content”; 31st ARO midwinter meeting, feb. 2008, Phoenix (US).
  • “A New Window on Tinnitus: Exploring Functional Connectivity in the Classical and Non-classical Auditory Pathways”; 2nd Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting, jul. 2007, Monaco (MC).
  • “Representation of lateralization and tonotopy in primary versus secondary human auditory cortex”; 30th ARO midwinter meeting, feb. 2007, Denver (US).
  • “Cortical and Subcortical fMRI of Unilateral Tinnitus”; 30th ARO midwinter meeting, feb. 2007, Denver (US).
  • “Loudness Perception in Humans: fMRI Activation in relation to Sound Intensity and Loudness”; 2nd International Conference on the Auditory Cortex, sep. 2006, Grantham (UK).
  • “fMRI activation in relation to sound intensity and loudness”; 14th International Symposium on Hearing, aug. 2006, Cloppenburg (DE).
  • “fMRI activation in relation to sound intensity and loudness”; Hearing Science Seminar, mei. 2006, Swansea (UK).
  • “Lateralized fMRI Activation and Connectivity in the Central Auditory System of Normal Hearing and Unilaterally Deaf Humans”; International Graduate School for Neurosensory Science and Systems, mrt. 2006, Oldenburg (DE).
  • “Lateralized fMRI Activation and Connectivity in the Central Auditory System of Normal Hearing and Unilaterally Deaf Humans”; SfN 35th annual meeting, nov. 2005, Washington (US).
  • “Sparse fMRI with Repeated Acquisitions applied to Lateralization and Tonotopy in the Human Auditory Cortex”; HBM 11th annual meeting, jun. 2005, Toronto (CA).
  • “Lateralized fMRI Activation and Connectivity in the Central Auditory System of Normal Hearing and Unilaterally Deaf Humans”; HBM 11th annual meeting, jun. 2005, Toronto (CA).
  • “Lateralized fMRI Activation and Connectivity in the Central Auditory System of Normal Hearing and Unilaterally Deaf Humans”; ISMRM 13th scientific meeting, mei. 2005, Miami (US).
  • “Auditory Cortex Function in Subjects with Steep High-frequency Hearing Loss; an fMRI Study”; 28th ARO midwinter meeting, feb. 2005, New Orleans (US).
  • “Non-Linear Interactions between Scanner Acoustic Noise and Auditory Stimuli in fMRI”; ISMRM 12th scientific meeting, mei. 2004, Kyoto (JP).
  • “Spectro-temporal Features of the Auditory Cortex: the Activation in Response to Dynamic Rippled Noise”; 1st International Conference on Auditory Cortex, sep. 2003, Magdeburg (DE).
  • “Scanner Noise Induced Saturation of the Hemodynamic Response to Auditory Stimuli”; ISMRM 11th scientific meeting, jun. 2003, Toronto (CA).
  • “Scanner Noise Induced Saturation of the Hemodynamic Response to Auditory Stimuli”; EFOMP VIIIth congress, mei. 2003, Eindhoven (NL).
  • “Spectro-Temporal Features of the Auditory Cortex: the Activation in Response to Dynamic Rippled Noise”; 26th ARO midwinter meeting, feb. 2003, Daytona Beach (US).
  • “Dependence of the Auditory Cortex Activation upon Rippled Noise Characteristics as detected by Functional MRI”; ISMRM 10th scientific meeting, mei. 2002, Honolulu (US).

Seminars / workshops

  • “How functional and structural MRI contribute to our current understanding of tinnitus”; Independent Audiologists Australia (IAA) Excellence in Education seminar, okt. 2015, Melbourne (AU).
  • “Sound therapy for tinnitus: the good, the bad, and the ugly”; Independent Audiologists Australia (IAA) Excellence in Education seminar, okt. 2015, Melbourne (AU).
  • “Tinnitus: (het ontbreken) van reorganisatie van tonotopische maps in het brein”; Pento audiologisch centrum, apr. 2015, Zwolle (NL).
  • “Tonotopic mapping in humans using fMRI neuroimaging”; University of Manchester, dec. 2014, Manchester (UK).
  • “Spatiotopic mapping (3T)”; University of Birmingham, sep. 2014, Birmingham (UK).
  • “The Why and How of Tonotopic Mapping in Humans”; MRC Institute of Hearing Research, oct. 2013, Nottingham (UK).
  • “Tonotopic Maps in Healthy and Diseased Human Auditory Cortices”; Universiteit Maastricht, jan. 2013, Maastricht (NL).
  • “Mapping the Tonotopic Organisation of the Healthy and Diseased Human Auditory Cortices”; MRC Institute of Hearing Research, okt. 2012, Nottingham (UK).
  • “Mapping Tonotopy in Human Auditory Cortex: Methods and Applications”; House of Hearing, apr. 2012, Oldenburg (DE).
  • “Lack of Tonotopic Cortical Reorganization in Tinnitus”; Eaton Peabody Laboratory, mrt. 2012, Boston (US).
  • “Tonotopic Maps in Human Auditory Cortex”; National Biomedical Research Unit in Hearing, feb. 2012, Nottingham (UK).
  • “Mapping Tonotopy in Human Auditory Cortex: from Methods to Applications”; bijeenkomst Werkgroep Auditief Systeem (WAS-dag), dec. 2011, Rotterdam (NL).
  • “Hearing without Listening: Functional Connectivity reveals the Engagement of Multiple Non-Auditory Networks during Basic Sound Processing”; Donders theme meeting, Donders Instituut, okt. 2011, Nijmegen (NL).
  • “Functional MRI in hearing research”; BME symposium ‘BME over the edge’, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, jun. 2011, Groningen (NL).
  • “Mapping Tonotopy in Human Auditory Cortex using Minimally Salient Tone Stimuli”; Dag van de Perceptie, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, apr. 2011, Eindhoven (NL).
  • “Blind signal separation in fMRI”; Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht, sep. 2009, Maastricht (NL).
  • “A New Paradigm to Study Tinnitus: Correlated Neural Activity in Auditory and Affective Brain Areas”; Lustrum symposium afd. KNO Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, jun. 2009, Groningen (NL).
  • “Involvement of ‘Non-Auditory’ Brain Systems in Basic Human Sound Processing”; Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, jan. 2009, Oldenburg (DE).
  • “Involvement of ‘Non-Auditory’ Brain Systems in Basic Human Sound Processing”; bijeenkomst Werkgroep Auditief Systeem (WAS-dag), nov. 2008, Amsterdam (NL).
  • “Novel perspectives in auditory fMRI: a new window on tinnitus”; University College London Ear Institute, jul. 2008, London (UK).
  • “Interactions between Auditory and Limbic Brain Areas in Tinnitus Patients”; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), jun. 2008, Utrecht (NL).
  • “An integrative perspective on central auditory processing by means of novel neuroimaging methods”; International Graduate School for Neurosensory Science and Systems Summerschool, jun. 2008, Hollum (NL).
  • “Functional MRI of the Central Auditory System”; School of Mental Health and Neurosciences, apr. 2008, Maastricht (NL).
  • “Exploring the Auditory Pathways using Functional MRI: A New Window on Tinnitus”; Eaton Peabody Laboratory, jun. 2007, Boston (US).
  • “Exploring the Auditory Pathways using Functional MRI: A New Window on Tinnitus”; University of Regensburg, jun. 2007, Regensburg (DE).
  • “The Influence of Loudness Recruitment on the Relation between Loudness Perception and Brain Activity”; KNO-dagen, nov. 2006, Nieuwegein (NL).
  • “Topics in Audio-fMRI”; MRC Institute of Hearing Research, sep. 2006, Nottingham (UK).
  • “fMRI for Research into Sound Processing”; opleidingsdag klinische fysica, dec. 2005, Maastricht (NL).
  • “Functional MRI Activation Levels in relation to Sound Intensity and Loudness”; bijeenkomst Werkgroep Auditief Systeem (WAS-dag), nov. 2005, Amsterdam (NL).
  • “Lateralisation of fMRI-activation and Connectivity in the Central Auditory System in Normally Hearing and Unilaterally Deaf Subjects”; herfstbijeenkomst Nederlandse Vereniging voor Audiologie, sep. 2005, Leiden (NL).
  • “Lateralisation of the Response in the Auditory Brainstem, Thalamus, and Cortex in Normally Hearing and Unilaterally Deaf Subjects”; KNO-dagen, apr. 2005, Nieuwegein (NL).
  • “Functional MRI of the Central Auditory System”; Graduate School for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, NeuroImaging Center, dec. 2004, Groningen (NL).
  • “Some Problems, Techniques and Results in Auditory fMRI”; Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, fac. Biomedische Technologie, nov. 2004, Eindhoven (NL).
  • “Auditory Cortex Activation reflects Loudness Perception rather than Physical Sound Intensity”; Nederlandse fMRI-dag, nov. 2004, Utrecht (NL).
  • “Response Lateralization and Hierarchical Connectivity in the Central Auditory System”; Nederlandse fMRI-dag, nov. 2004, Utrecht (NL).
  • “Stimulus Lateralization and the Auditory Brain”; bijeenkomst Werkgroep Auditief Systeem (WAS-dag), nov. 2004, Eindhoven (NL).
  • “Scanner Noise Induced Saturation of the Hemodynamic Response to Auditory Stimuli”; onderzoeksdag Biomedische Technologie, apr. 2004, Eindhoven (NL).
  • “Auditory fMRI: Saturation of the Hemodynamic Response to Auditory Stimuli”; bijeenkomst Werkgroep Auditief Systeem (WAS-dag), mei. 2003, Utrecht (NL).
  • “Spectro-Temporal Features of the Auditory Cortex: the Activation in Response to Dynamic Rippled Noise”; onderzoeksdag Biomedische Technologie, apr. 2003, Eindhoven (NL).
  • “Auditory fMRI: Spectro-temporal Features of the Auditory Cortex”; Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Eaton Peabody Laboratory, feb. 2003, Boston (US).
  • “Auditory fMRI: Spectro-temporal Features of the Auditory Cortex”; Georgetown University, Institute for Cognitive and Computational Sciences, feb. 2003, Washington (US).
  • “Spectro-Temporal Features of the Auditory Cortex: the Activation in Response to Dynamic Rippled Noise”; KNO-dagen, feb. 2003, Amsterdam (NL).
  • “Auditory fMRI: Dynamic Rippled Noise”; Nederlandse fMRI-dag, mrt. 2002, Nijmegen (NL).
  • “Auditory fMRI: Rippled Noise”; bijeenkomst Werkgroep Auditief Systeem (WAS-dag), dec. 2001, Rotterdam (NL).